Woodend Community Centre Masterplan
How we stress-tested a local passion project to create an investment attracting precinct in regional Victoria.

Place is never neutral. This place is always bustling.
Why Us?
Passionate locals had put redevelopment proposals for the Woodend Community Centre to Council - a number of times.
The proposals captured what these locals could see - an underutilised space at the heart of the community, outdated and not-fit-for-purpose. They imagined a place for performance, food markets and connection.
Council needed to stress-test these strong hunches:
crunch the numbers to prove that it could work in this town
ensure it benefited and had the buy-in of the broader community
develop an investment-attracting proposal
We led engagement and briefing, whilst our subconsultant completed demographic and demand analysis to identify the sweet spot for redevelopment.
With agreement on how this place could enhance community and the economy we completed a masterplan and concept design for the site (with lots of community feedback along the way).
The final package included cost plans and a business case to attract investment (which it did).

“This very exciting project has the support of the community, meets the identified needs of multiple users and will provide significant economic development and tourism opportunities not only for Woodend but as a gateway to the rest of the shire.”
Councillor Jennifer Anderson,
Macedon Ranges Shire Council
What problems did we solve and how?
Our passionate locals had spent years dreaming, scheming and campaigning. They are the inspiration and the reason for the community centre’s redevelopment.
But the dream had to be big enough for everyone. For the folk who had never set foot in the existing library. For the teenagers more interested in manuals (its a skate boarding thing) than Mozart.
We designed and led engagement that acknowledged the work to date and added to the people, activities, economies and ecologies that this place could serve.
You need to demonstrate demand, forecast benefit and prove that you can keep the place financially viable (because there is likely minimal funding for that).
We work hand-in-glove with our economics consultants to target the sweet spot between ambition and viability. We iteratively explore programming, spatial needs, workforce requirements, revenue streams and costs to hone in on what precisely will work for your community.
Strategically located in the heart of town, our site had many assets (like a creek and great connectivity) as well as a few challenges - like a major road frontage.
Our masterplan pushed the buildings to the southern edges to:
define the precinct
enhance the high street
block trucks trundling past and
open the precinct up to the sunny northern aspect

Did it attract investment?
With the hard-won support of the Community Reference Group (AKA passionate locals) and Council Endorsement the masterplan went on to attract $260,000 from the Victorian Government’s Investment Fast Track Fund to support the next stages of design.
A glimpse of how we made it happen:
A building of the past and for the future.
Why does it look like that?
The Woodend Community Centre is a big complex that must offer two very different kinds of experiences:
casual, welcoming and cosy experience for individuals or small groups on a day-to-day basis
more formal, inspiring and uplifting experience for whole community events, rituals and celebrations.
The design is anchored by the big, civic spaces but connected by smaller, lighter structures that are more inviting and adaptable.
We’ve chosen mass timber and hempcrete to ensure this big building has a small ecological footprint, whilst connecting to Woodend’s history as a timber town.
CLIENT: Macedon Ranges Shire Council
LOCATION: Woodend, Dja Dja Wurrung, Taungurung and Wurrunderji Woi Wurrung Country
Consultation + Engagement
Masterplan + Feasibility Study