Masterplan + Feasibility Study

AKA proof of concept

Someone has had a great idea - to activate under-used land, to bring together services the community needs, to increase tourism... but will it work?

Our masterplans and feasibility studies provide the evidence and insights you need to champion successful precincts and projects.

We will:

  1. understand your existing places, what they do, how people use them and what constraints and opportunities they present

  2. quantify what your project needs for success; operationally, contextually, socially, culturally and financially. This might mean we do a deep dive with your community to understand their hopes and aspirations or that we commission economic advice to model the minimum viable size for your offering. Ideally both and then some.

  3. propose methods to enhance your place: revitalising existing buildings and infrastructure, building community connection and resilience, creating new spaces and experiences.

Our final collateral can include visualisations to support communication and advocacy, a business case to demonstrate ROI, preliminary designs to inform cost planning and next steps.

Our years of experience creating feasibility studies that secure funding and proceed to construction means your community’s great idea has its best chance at success. You will get a ‘blueprint’ that is achievable, will deliver impact and attract support.

perfect if you want:

  • your project defined: what spaces, users, activities

  • evidence that your place-based solution is needed, will work and what it will cost

  • the vision brought to life - a blueprint of what it will look like, how it will work and what will go where

  • "The Woodend Community Centre had been and continues to be championed by the Community Reference Group, a very vocal and committed group of locals who had previously prepared designs for the site. PRL worked respectfully and consultatively to develop the new master plan and design based on the business case and were able to bring the Reference Group as a whole on board - no easy feat!"

    Danielle Findlay,
    Business Development Officer,
    Macedon Ranges Shire Council

Recent masterplan + Feasibility Projects